
Software Tools:
    baRcodeR with PyTrackDat: Open-source labelling and tracking of biological samples for repeatable science (bioRxiv pre-print)

    baRcodeR: An R package for labelling and collecting data from biological samples.
    • Install directly in R using the command install.packages("baRcodeR")
    • Package Link on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), with instructions and vignette
    • yihanwu/baRcodeR on GitHub, with detailed instructions
    PyTrackDat: Python Tools for tracking and managing data from biological samples. Integrates with baRcodeR.
    • Install with pip in Python using the command pip install pytrackdat(Windows) or pip3 install pytrackdat(macOS/Linux)
    • Package Link on the Python Package Index (PyPI): Install with pip, from the pypI site
    • ColauttiLab/PyTrackDat on GitHub, with detailed instructions
Other links:

Colautti Lab GitHub Site: with reproducible code

Colautti Lab Resources (public): including tips for reproducible and open science, career development, coding tutorials, and course content

Internal Resources (private)

Research images (public): High-resolution images from some of our research projects